Great piece!
As Americans celebrate the 4th of July, let’s look more deeply at how the government has expanded its reach, in effect, equivalent to a dictatorship – the antithesis of America.
Sound far-fetched?
Watch the clip and you decide whether it’s consistent with a “Government of the people, by the people, for the people…”.
The National Defense Authorization Act is just one of many modern instances of extraordinary governmental overreach and abuse – a harbinger of greater despotism and tyranny.
If political history has a way of repeating itself – and it largely does because it is inextricably tied to the imperfections of human nature – then let’s quit living in denial and push back. Let’s use our discomfort with this issue and others as inspiration and energy for real change.
And what real change would that be?
Creating a socio-economic structure fundamentally more just; thus, one more capable for providing greater peace then prosperity. Holding literally everyone and every entity, locally and globally, accountable to a single code: the Non-Aggression Principle (“NAP”) where it would be applied as the rule of law.
Logically, morally and spiritually, in this author’s opinion, it is the only way forward to better solve any problem in the world. We need to trust ourselves – not our overseers. The NAP is the foundation of pure libertarianism a/k/a anarcho-libertarianism/capitalism which hold the keys to a better future for all.
Note: The views expressed are solely the opinion of the author.
Conceptual and title source: Storm Clouds Gathering via
Media source: Storm Clouds Gathering