For comparing the good, bad, and the ugly when considering strategy and creating and borrowing tactics.
Alinsky, Saul D.
Badnarik, Michael *
Baker, Russ
Ballvé, Faustino
Barzun, Jacques
Bastiat, Frédéric *
Beck, Charlotte Joko
Block, Walter *
Bryson, Bill
Camus, Albert
Chodorov, Frank *
Chopra, Depak
Creveld, Martin van
Dalio, Ray
Deist, Jeff *
DiLorenzo, Thomas J. *
Engels, Friedrich
Friedman, Thomas L. *
Garrison, Roger W.
Gibran, Kahlil
Graham, Benjamin
Gribbin, John
Griffin, G. Edward *
Hahn, L. Albert
Hayek, Friedrich
Hazlitt, Henry *
Hoppe, Hans-Hermann *
Hueber, Jacob H. *
Hülsmann, Jörg Guido *
Hutchinson, Allan C.
Keynes, John Maynard
Kreitner, Richard
Kurzweil, Ray
Levin, Mark
Levy, Robert
Livio, Mario
Lott, John R.
Machiavelli, Niccolò
Marx, Karl
Menger, Carl *
Mill, John Stuart
Mises, Ludwig von *
Moyers, Bill
Murphy, Robert P. *
Naparstek, Belleruth
Napolitano, Judge Andrew
Ovshinsky, Stan
Paul, Congressman Ron *
Raz, Tahl
Rifkin, Jeremy
Rockwell, Jr., Llewellyn H. *
Rothbard, Murray N. *
Sharp, Gene
Smith, Adam
Sowell, Thomas
Suzuki, Shunryū
Talbot, Michael
The Invisible Committee
Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques
Tzu, Chuang
Tzu, Han Fei
Tzu, Sun
Voss, Chris
Watts, Alan
Wilber, Ken
Woods, Thomas E. *
Zitelmann, Ranier
*Libertarian-oriented authors of note.