“Debunking a recent book claiming that the gun industry created American gun culture solely with clever marketing.”
Source: No, Gun Culture Was Not Manufactured by the Gun Industry | Foundation for Economic Education
Whatever the history, and if you truly own your own body, doesn’t it make sense that you should be able to assume responsibility for your own protection?
And if so, then in the interest of justice, shouldn’t you have access to the same weapons i.e. technology or advantage as the criminals …and government for that matter?
Let’s face it, the know-how to manufacture arms won’t disappear soon, if ever. Greater regulation will expand black-market transactions for arms and associated criminal activity – the mechanics are identical to those which totally derailed Prohibition and War on Drugs.
Nonetheless, the efforts to skew history beyond common sense would be humorous, if it wasn’t for the often undue validity and importance bestowed upon academic “scholarship”, especially when it is frequently funded with taxpayer dollars channeled by special interests – no conflict of interest there:)
Note: The views expressed are solely the opinion of the author.
Conceptual and title source: Clayton E. Cramer who teaches history at College of Western Idaho via fee.org.
Media source: www.fee.org