Source: We’re Spending Too Much on Defense
Putting the US defense budget in perspective …with truth and good humor!
But the question still remains: how do we fix it, and then sustainably prevent such overreach, waste, inefficiency and graft from occurring again.
A hint: it’s not going to come through anyone in government or the military industrial complex. And unfortunately, our votes are totally worthless when it comes to affecting bureaucracy.
If you think you have an open mind, and appreciate a consistent philosophy which more accurately and comprehensively explains the interrelationship of liberty, government, and the economy, then you might check out this guy: Murray N. Rothbard
Initially, his ideas may seem radical (and they are by “normal” standards), but if we think them through, and apply them to any situation around us, then ironically, greater truths are revealed that come full circle to common sense – enlightening is understatement.
His readings can be found here at the bookstore for
Note: The views expressed are solely the opinion of the author.
Conceptual and title source: and Andrew Heaton & Sarah Rose Siskind
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